Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday that feels like a Monday...

Sometimes short weeks are the longest ones of all... Here it is Tuesday and I'm already feeling it! :)

Actually it wasn't a bad day; just tiring.  The thing about traveling on weekends is that I always feel like I need a day to recuperate!  We just didn't get that this weekend.  However, I wouldn't trade any of our time down South!

We went to Home Depot after work today and got the stuff to wash our deck and do a Thompsons water seal.... It was our INTENTION to wash the deck down this afternoon (we have a small deck); however, we were just too tired.  Tomorrow is yet another day!

I fixed pasta, salad and fruit for dinner tonight.  I ate a "normal" amount (still more than I'll be eating once my band is tightened).  B loved the dinner.  She made a "happy plate!"

It occurs to me that people reading this blog, if there are any of you out there, will probably think this stuff is boring...  Yet I am determined to continue on.  Maybe one of these days I'll have something interesting to say! :)


Monday, May 30, 2011

Another week begins...

Well, we are home from a visit to south Arkansas.  The weekend seemed short, but we had a good time.  We went to Magnolia for a visit to Lance's grandparents and also for a family reunion.  Then, yesterday, we traveled to Crossett so that Lance could attend a funeral today. 

We're tired, but happy to be home.  B had a gift waiting on her when we got home.  My aunt Della (mom's sister) had sent a "welcome to the family" gift to her.  It was so sweet!  A beautiful stuffed teddy bear with 4 outfits!  B loved it!  She named her "Gabby." 

Our family and friends have been incredibly supportive of us throughout the entire adoptive process.  We had two "adoption showers" within the first month that we had B!  We were humbled by the generosity and kindness shown to us during this special time in our lives...  Now, the adoption is final and B is forever our daughter!  It's just an awesome thing and I get very emotional when I think about it!  I truly believe the Lord brought B to us! 

I hope everyone (if there's anyone out there reading this!) has a good week!  School is getting ready to end and summer vacation begin!  Anyone doing anything exciting this summer? 

Til next post!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, the weekend isn't over yet but I found time to do a quick post.  We have been visiting with family this weekend.  I've found that now that we have a child, we are much more in "demand" to visit our family than before :)  Hahaha!  Not that they didn't enjoy our visits before, but it's a WHOLE new ball game now! 

B has enjoyed being the center of attention this weekend and she has enjoyed just about everything that we've done!  B is blessed to have two sets of great grandparents that are living and able to enjoy her!  Not to mention two sets of grandparents!  Top that off with an awesome aunt, a couple of terrific uncles and a sweet baby cousin!  What more could a child want!

Hoping everyone is as blessed with their families as we are with ours!
Til next post!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Almost Friday....

Whew!!  I'm glad that it's almost Friday!  And a long weekend too!  I'm very excited! 

Today, I had lunch with my very best friend...my sister!  I am very blessed that she works just a block away from me.  We don't get together for lunch as often as we'd like, but when we do, we both enjoy it immensely!  Now that we are both grown, with families of our own, we don't spend as much time together as we did when we were younger, but the time is all quality!

I appreciate the person that my sister has become.  I admire her so much.  And I know that I can go to her with anything that is on my mind and she won't judge me or think harshly of me.  I hope that we will always be close!

On a side note, if I am absent from blogging this weekend (for those who "may" be following me) please know that I will be back in a few days.  This looks to be a very busy weekend for us, and I can't promise I'll be online for even a few minutes! 

Here's to hoping everyone has a safe, enjoyable holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's a stormy day...Not a good day to play...

Well, here I am again!  Day 2 of my "blogging" experience :)  Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I like to try many things, but don't often stick with them, so the longevity of this blog remains to be seen... but alas, here I am again!

It's been a pretty typical day in my life.  I went to work, came home, got the girl from daycare (took her for her 6 month dental cleaning!) and then we all went to eat Mexican food.  B is VERY good at the dentist.  She's had the same dentist since she was 3 years old and her dentist loves her!  She is very cooperative!  (Her daddy, I'm sad to say, is NOT cooperative at the dentist when he goes!).  Anyway, she got a good report.  Baby teeth are leaving, adult teeth coming in, etc, etc.

We tried the new Tampico restaurant in Cabot.  It's my first Mexican food (other than a soft taco at Taco Bell) since my lap band.  I know I ate more than I should have, but I definitely didn't eat as much as I used to eat.  And I didn't eat one single chip!  For those who don't know, right now my band is "empty" and my stomach is still healing.  I won't get an adjustment until June 22, so I am able to eat fairly normally right now.  Once I get a fill, my food amounts will go down drastically and the real weight loss will begin.  Until then, I am just trying to make wiser choices.  It's certainly not easy!  My stomach may be new, but I have the same old brain that I've always had! :)  The brain will learn at a much slower pace, I'm afraid!

On a side note, I am anxious for my "feathering" kit to come in!  Can't wait to try it out on B!  I went out at lunch today with a good friend looking for feathers.  Couldn't find any!  We both vowed to look online!  I'm anxious to see how all this plays out! 

Well, I guess that's it for today.  My thoughts and prayers are with storm victims everywhere.  I think we all have a new awareness of the Spring weather in the south and I know that I certainly count my blessings to God for safekeeping!

Til tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An introduction, of sorts...

Ok, I tried this blogging thing about a year ago and only posted one time!  I guess I didn't feel like anyone really wanted to hear what I had to say (and maybe they don't!) but I am giving it another try! 
Several things that you might see me blog about in coming weeks (assuming I stick with this!) is our recent adoption of our daughter, my recent lap band surgery and life in general.
Topic one - "B" our daughter!  She got feathers today!  In case you don't know what this is, it is where they put feathers in your hair.  Apparantly it is all the rage right now.  Of course she had to have some! :)  (I even went a step further and ordered a DIY hair feathering kit online!  I am going to try my hand at feathering her hair).  I have seen "old" ladies around town strutting their feathers, so it really is the hot new trend!  You won't catch me with feathers in my hair though!
Topic two - My lap band.  I was banded on May 6 and I am recovering well.  I have lost about 23 lbs so far, even though my band is empty.  I get my first adjustment on June 22 and that's when the real weight loss should start. 
I guess that's it for the first post.  We'll see if I actually post anything tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To blog or not to blog...

Hmm. Blogging is kind of a weird thing when you think about it. Putting any kind of thoughts or info out there on the net is risky. Oh well. If anyone ever DOES read this, just take what we say with a grain of salt! :)