Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's a stormy day...Not a good day to play...

Well, here I am again!  Day 2 of my "blogging" experience :)  Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I like to try many things, but don't often stick with them, so the longevity of this blog remains to be seen... but alas, here I am again!

It's been a pretty typical day in my life.  I went to work, came home, got the girl from daycare (took her for her 6 month dental cleaning!) and then we all went to eat Mexican food.  B is VERY good at the dentist.  She's had the same dentist since she was 3 years old and her dentist loves her!  She is very cooperative!  (Her daddy, I'm sad to say, is NOT cooperative at the dentist when he goes!).  Anyway, she got a good report.  Baby teeth are leaving, adult teeth coming in, etc, etc.

We tried the new Tampico restaurant in Cabot.  It's my first Mexican food (other than a soft taco at Taco Bell) since my lap band.  I know I ate more than I should have, but I definitely didn't eat as much as I used to eat.  And I didn't eat one single chip!  For those who don't know, right now my band is "empty" and my stomach is still healing.  I won't get an adjustment until June 22, so I am able to eat fairly normally right now.  Once I get a fill, my food amounts will go down drastically and the real weight loss will begin.  Until then, I am just trying to make wiser choices.  It's certainly not easy!  My stomach may be new, but I have the same old brain that I've always had! :)  The brain will learn at a much slower pace, I'm afraid!

On a side note, I am anxious for my "feathering" kit to come in!  Can't wait to try it out on B!  I went out at lunch today with a good friend looking for feathers.  Couldn't find any!  We both vowed to look online!  I'm anxious to see how all this plays out! 

Well, I guess that's it for today.  My thoughts and prayers are with storm victims everywhere.  I think we all have a new awareness of the Spring weather in the south and I know that I certainly count my blessings to God for safekeeping!

Til tomorrow!

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